Everyone tells us that saving is important, but few people really do it and are willing to teach us how to do it.
At Coopealianza, concerned about the financial health of our associates, we want to share recommendations for start saving money todayregardless of your monthly income.

6 tips to save money

  1. Set realistic goals: How much money do you really think you can save each month and what is your motivation to save? To have that level of clarity, it is best to make a budget. In addition, if you are clear about your why, it will be easier to save what you propose each month because there is a goal that motivates you.
  2. Make a programmed saving: If possible, establish a savings (a fixed amount in colones or dollars) that is automatically withdrawn from your account from time to time (once a month or every fifteen days, for example) so as not to run the risk of spending the money elsewhere. thing or forget to make your contribution to the savings you plan to achieve.
  3. Avoid ant expenses: Ant expenses are those small expenses that we believe do not represent much but when we add them up we realize that they are significant in our budget. For example: buy a coffee every day or a sweet after lunch that alone are not worth more than a thousand colones, but represent 20 thousand or more per month.
  4. Cancel automatic payments to subscriptions on the Internet: We all love to watch streaming movies, take English classes online or receive exclusive newsletters, but sometimes we don't even have time to do it and we end up paying up to 35 thousand colones or more per month for subscriptions to services that we don't take advantage of. Do you have a paid subscription that you could cancel today?
  5. Choose the savings figure that suits you best: Talk to a personal finance expert about the most effective way to save for you: A savings account? A time deposit? Purchase of certificates? Investments? There are many options.
  6. Choose a financial institution that supports your money: Without a doubt, regardless of the way you choose to save, you must find a reliable ally in your financial institution. In Coopealianza we have 50 years of experience and we are in 34 cantons of the 7 provinces.

Contact Us if you need support to reach your savings goal this year. It will be a pleasure to accompany you!