Savings and Investment

Trust your money in Coopealianza and get great results

Term savings

Think ahead and meet your goals

Coopealianza offers various Term Savings: Easy Savings, Christmas, March, Investment, Multiple and School.

Each has specific characteristics to help you reach your goal. In any of our offices throughout the country we will advise you on the type of savings that best suits your needs.

✓ Easy savings in colones and dollars: by means of this saving you will be able to make your investment in a systematic way, with monthly installments, deducted from payroll, automatic cancellation or SINPE). In addition, you can make extraordinary deposits at any time you want. With this saving you can plan any activity or obligation you have in the future, be it: vacations, parties, purchase of an asset, or whatever you need.

✓ Christmas savings colones and dollars: It consists of a systematic voluntary saving, which may be agreed in monthly installments. This saving will allow you to create a fund to satisfy needs such as Christmas gifts and in the case of being a merchant it allows you to deposit the provision for the payment of Christmas bonuses.

✓ Savings from Marchamo: This systematic voluntary savings, generally agreed in monthly installments, will allow you to create a fund for the March Payment.

Calculate the profit of your Saving

Interest rate %
Gross Total Interest: 0
Income Tax (7%): 0
Total Net Interest: 0

Income tax withholding applies to certificates issued as of July 01, 2019. According to Law 9635, income tax will be withheld from the interest generated by your Investment.

Apply online for your Saving

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