The southern cantons of the province of Puntarenas make up an area of the national territory of enormous potential for economic progress and personal and family well-being.
The expectation comes from its natural and cultural riches, which give the sector paradisiacal tourist attractions, agricultural and livestock vocation and of increasing importance for commercial exchange.
The possibility of buying real estate in this sector of the Puntarenas province aims to become a great investment, particularly if a lot, a house or a farm can be purchased under advantageous conditions.
Among the most favorable alternatives to buy real estate at competitive prices are offered Coopealianza RL with Financing available and great options.
With opportunity prices
Acquiring a property put up for sale by Coopealianza is an attraction for people who buy real estate to resell it and obtain substantial profits or to dedicate it to production.
And they are also a great attraction for those who want to have their house or their lot to build, particularly if - in addition to the favorable price - they have access to credit, with interest rates adjusted to their economic possibilities.
At Coopealianza we have lots, houses and farms for sale in the cantons of Corredores (Laurel, La Cuesta and Río Bonito), Golfito (Pavón, Guaycará and Puerto Jiménez) and Buenos Aires. (Bº Centro / Pindeco) and Volcán).
In the section "Properties”From our website, you can know the location, price and other details of each of the properties.
Learn about excellent lot purchase opportunities, housing and farms in Puntarenas and contact us through form attached on our website, our official page at Facebook, our email or the telephone number 2785-3000.