Good health and fitness are treasures that can be suddenly lost, although their effects can be prevented promptly and effectively by having the resources to pay for timely medical care.

We are referring to unforeseen situations, so many and so diverse, that usually occur outside the control of maturation and natural aging.

A sudden illness that demands specialized and urgent care can be treated; an injury that leaves inconvenient signs that are detrimental to good job performance or good acceptance in society.

It may even be a preference for good private medical care that is explained by the trust that one has in the professional team that provides it.

In one way or another, it is always important to have a reserve of money to face situations as diverse as:

En Coopealianza You can count on financing to face these types of goals, thanks to our credits for consumption or personal expenses that we have at your disposal in our cooperative.

We invite you to request your credits for medical or aesthetic treatments In any of the 50 Coopealianza offices, located throughout the country, you can also communicate by call or WhatsApp message to 2785300 or request through this contact form: