Acquiring a house or land represents a large outlay for most, often beyond our immediate reach because with the current cost of living it is quite difficult to save that amount of money in a short time.

Precisely to serve our clients and associates who dream of having their own home or remodel it , in Coopealianza we have home loans

By using a mortgage loan from Coopealianza, you will be able to enjoy your own home in the short term. And as we always explain, it is an investment where instead of paying monthly rent for a house that is not and will never be yours, you can make the payments on your own home.

Advantages of Coopealianza housing mortgage loans:

Other benefits of requesting a credit with Coopealianza:

In other words, the most remarkable thing is that a housing loan in Coopealianza offers our associates the possibility of buying their home by paying a monthly fee for it, instead of having to have all the money to buy the house in cash.

Finally, remember that, although before the process of contracting a mortgage loan in the Costa Rican financial market was quite complicated, we currently have different digital channels to make your request and facilitate the process. Contact us If you have any doubts.