For the vast majority of middle-income Costa Ricans, the possibility of acquiring a lot, a home or a farm is open by purchasing a mortgage credit.

Through the modality of mortgage loan, the property is the one that provides the interested party with the opportunity to get the loan and the one that supports the financial institution.

Mortgage credit is a long-term commitment, it is a means that offers various benefits:

En Coopealianza RL it's easy to get a mortgage loan, through our service platforms served by the various means of contact, telephone and digital, or in any of the offices located throughout the country.

The procedures to access credit are simple, agile and the loan conditions include premium facilities, attractive interest rates and terms adjusted to the associate's economic possibilities.

At Coopealianza we offer you personalized attention. We were born in 1971 and today, with an associative base that exceeds 200 thousand people, we are a robust, constantly growing cooperative entity that enhances the social, economic and environmental components.

Contact Us through our website, our official page in Facebook, our email or the phone number 2785-3000. We can advise you.