To a greater or lesser extent, all of us have aspirations: to obtain a profession, create a home, educate children, protect health and improve family living conditions.

But the savings they are not always sufficient or do not arrive on time to achieve the objectives, so the alternative of acquiring a loan that allows them to be achieved in the short term and in a manageable way, according to the income received.

And do not believe that the solutions reached through credits have negative repercussions on the status of the family or endanger the patrimony. Conversely; when becoming a creditor of a loan, la person is gaining prestige as a credit subject.

It means that the lender is placing its trust in the applicant and that it is confident that it has the resources, the capacity and the intention to fulfill the acquired obligation.

In the financial market, it is possible to find a long list of credit options, but, of course, there are financial institutions that carry out detailed studies that border on the bureaucratic and request guarantees that are difficult obstacles to overcome.

The dynamics with which a credit application is resolved and the speed with which it is granted are two of the advantages it offers Coopealianza affiliates who aspire to acquire personal credits in Costa Rica.

Based on the knowledge we have of the affiliate, the importance that a personal loan usually has for its growth and the cooperative principles of the solidarity economy, which inspire us, our credits are characterized by:

If you need a loan that contributes to solving an urgent need or reinforces a project that contributes to improving your or your family's conditions, at Coopealianza we serve you as a friend.

Contact us through our various means of contact or invite us at any of our offices, located near you, in the seven provinces of the country.

Contact Us at 2785-3000 or you can enter your data here: Credit application form.