A sustained growth in the associative base, territorial coverage, assets, equity, credits and savings, throughout its 47 years of existence, are some indicators that place Coopealianza RL among the best cooperatives in Costa Rica.

This is a particularly privileged condition, if one starts from the importance that cooperativism has had in the socioeconomic development of Costa Rica, based on a benefit that is characterized by offering associates credits with interest rates than those of other entities. financial, like banks.

Coopealianza was born in 1971 from the merger of two small sectoral cooperatives that became a starting point for the growth of an organization that brings the cooperative benefit to a wide sector of the national territory.

Just one year after its foundation and operation in San Isidro de El General, in 1972, Coopealianza's services expanded to the Pejibaye district of Pérez Zeledón, by merging Coopeji. In 1978 it also extended its services to the Platanares district, by merger with the Coopeplatanares cooperative.

From border to border

Later, its services were extended outside the cantonal territory, by signing strategic alliances with Coopegolfo (Golfito), Coopecolón (Ciudad Colón), Coopecorrales (Alajuela), Coopemani (Nicoya), Coopenaranjo (Naranjo), Coopetacares (Grecia), Coopeacosta (Acosta ).

Coopealianza also has offices in Limón and San José. With a total of 51 offices, presence in 33 cantons and 7 provinces, Coopealianza is in Costa Rica from border to border.

It is a robust and solid entity, which has managed to develop the potential of the company and its workers, based on social, economic, environmental components and proactive leadership, which also allows it to function with the most advanced technological instruments.

With the contribution of only ¢ 5.000 colones per month to the Capital Stock, the associate has access to saving systemsoptions credit, complementary products, benefits for funeral services and discounts in shops.

To the rhythm of modernity

In addition to having its offices, the associate also has at his disposal the service of the Virtual Coopealianza App, which allows him, among other procedures, to make payments, make transfers between internal accounts, check movements in his savings accounts, buy dollars, cancel your loan fee, self-manage your credentials, advance cash to your own or third party accounts, etc.

All these antecedents and products are indicators that, added to a work team made up of 800 collaborators, present in urban / rural areas, make Coopealianza one of the best cooperatives in saving y credit, in Costa Rica.

At Coopealianza, its collaborators are its greatest asset, which is why it continues to grow and invests in its integral development.

Come to one of our offices and ask about our services, we can help you.