Hasn't it happened to you that one day you see the house you always dreamed of with a sign that now says "For Sale"? Perhaps that is the sign that he waited for to make his dream come true for so many years yearning to have his own home, at Coopealianza we help him achieve this goal.

A home of your own - even if it was designed or used by other people before you - can give you many benefits:

  • The peace of mind of offering a safe roof to your family.
  • Greater stability.
  • Considerable savings in rents by not living in someone else's house or apartments.
  • The ability to plan for the long term as the owner of your property.
  • Greater independence.
  • A physical space where you can express your tastes and interests through decoration and details.
  • Sense of belonging to Costa Rica and the locality.
  • Help you build wealth.
  • And even capital gains, because the value of your home can increase over time, depending on the quality with which the property is built, the location, nearby services, ease of access, and the improvements you make in the house.


For this, at Coopealianza we offer loans for homes already built We also have a wide range of properties, which includes houses of all kinds, throughout the country, in wonderful price and financing conditions.

And we offer credits for:

  • Housing Construction: We make your dream come true of building your own home to your liking, needs and conditions, so that you can enjoy a place that transmits your essence and personal interests.
  • New Home Purchase: Coopealianza helps you with your dream of owning your own home, in an agile way, through our home loans.
  • Home Remodeling: An opportunity to beautify your home or repair it as soon as possible, creating the conditions to live comfortably, quietly and safely. We finance everything you want for your home.
  • Lot Purchase: Obtain your own batch in less time and in an agile way, now it is a real possibility. Trust us. We understand and support your goals.


Contact us, we have a history of 50 years financing and selling lots, houses and farms, Throughout the national territory.