
Join Coopealianza and enjoy great benefits

Funeral expenses

We support the Associate's family in the event of death.

Our associates have a life policy that allows their beneficiaries to have a disbursement for funeral expenses in the event of the associate's death. The amount will be based on the balance of Social Capital registered at the annual closing of the last year.

Death of Relatives

We are with you to be able to economically solve this unexpected moment.

In the event of the death of a relative (father, mother, spouse and children) even if they are not associated, an amount will be given to the associate, which will be based on the Social Capital balance recorded at the previous annual closing.

Underage student policy

We provide health coverage while they study.

Associates under-age students have an insurance policy that covers medical expenses due to accidents, financial aid for the associate's death or total and permanent disability.

Labor Discontinuity

Solidarity with our associates in case of layoffs.

Applies for associates who maintain credit operations and who have been dismissed in condition of incapacity for work and with decreased income. The aid will be up to 30% of the accumulated amount of Social Capital in your name, or the amount that corresponds to the monthly credit installments, whichever is lower, with a maximum cap of up to ₵ 500.000 per month and for up to 5 months. in one year, and may again resort to the use of any of these benefits after 36 months.

These resources apply to: amortization, current interest, and late payments, debit balance policies.

If you have Share Capital, complementary products and savings added to the credit installment, they must be assumed by the Associate, which are not requirements for them to receive the aid, when an Associate uses this benefit, no charges will be applied for late payment.

Minor aid

We grow with the community and support its development.

Coopealianza provides support to the communities through collaborations for the development of community activities.

Contributions are provided directly to organized groups such as: Development Associations, Cantonal Committee or Committee attached to the Development Association, Cultural Associations, Public Government Institutions, among others.

These contributions can be requested by means of a letter addressed to the electronic mail