About Us

We are Coopealianza

Coopealianza is the Savings and Credit cooperative that believes in work, effort and human development, with a balance between financial and social.

With the support of its associates, the Cooperative has established itself as a leader in the financial system, with a presence throughout the country, creating employment opportunities, stepping firmly into the future.

At 53 years old, he has consolidated himself at the national level, has 50 offices, located in 34 cantons and 7 provinces, which has allowed him to positively influence the quality of life of the communities.

Our History

The history of Coopealianza arises from August 22, 1971, when a group of 1.175 associates, with a great vision, managed to merge two small cooperatives that were located in San Isidro de El General, Coopehosani and Coopezel. This union marked what would be the fate of Coopealianza, the company that registers the largest number of mergers and takeovers in our country.

In 1971, Coopealianza stood out for offering its associates savings and credit products that were complemented by agricultural supplies and household items, with the limitation that located its only point of service in the San Isidro district of El General.

In 1972, Coopealianza's services expanded, as a new office was located in the Pejibaye district of Pérez Zeledón, by merging Coopeji. During these first years, Coopealianza began to consolidate in the canton of Pérez Zeledón by offering quality services and products. Within this consolidation process, by 1978 it merged with Coopeplatanares located in the Platanares district.

The need to grow and consolidate continued, that is how in 1993 it merged with Coopegolfo, which allows it to position itself as the financial entity of the Southern Zone.

The new millennium brought new strategic alliances that allowed other cooperatives to join the process. In 2000, he did it with Coopecolón from the Ciudad Colón community. Four years later it merges with Coopecorrales, a cooperative in the canton of Poás, in the province of Alajuela.

Not neglecting growth and openness to change, in 2004 the Nicoya Teachers' Cooperative, Coopmani, decided to join Coopealianza. In 2005, Coopenaranjo is part of this great alliance and in 2013, Coopealianza coverage reaches the canton of Greece through the merger by absorption with Coopetacares.

Continuing with its growth process in 2015, it successfully concluded the merger process with Coopeacosta, a cooperative located in the canton of Acosta. Through this merger, the motto was consolidated: Border to Border!

Coopealianza is currently a cooperative with a national presence. It is the result of a project under construction, where there are no heroes or heroines, but the product of 52 years of efforts, dedication, work and stories of many.

The successes achieved are not the result of chance, but of the combination of different elements, such as strategic planning, teamwork, a clear vision of growth and clear objectives aimed at achieving goals.

The Everyone's Cooperative is a robust and solid entity, which has managed to develop the potential of the company and its workers, based on three components: social, economic and environmental, through proactive leadership.

Our culture

The commitment to the present and the future with our associates is based on the following principles:

Our Mission

We build lasting alliances with people through the development of management models to generate efficiencies, added value and profitability with each of the services provided by the company.

Social capital

Being part of Coopealianza gives you great benefits

As a cooperative company, group union is sought to access better conditions in financial products and services. Just by contributing 5.000 colones per month to the Capital Stock you will have:

• Savings systems.
• Credit options.
• Complementary products.
• Benefits: Funeral Service and Retail Discounts.
• Virtual payment methods for greater comfort and offices at your service throughout the entire national territory.

With your contribution to monthly Social Capital in Coopealianza, you will be able to build in favor of your future and be part of the leading Cooperative on an associative basis at the national level.

Our Vision

To be the preferred financial institution of the associates, due to the service experience, transparency and accountability of the people who govern and manage, to guarantee sustainability and permanence.

Human talent

Human talent is our greatest value

At Coopealianza, its collaborators are its greatest asset, which is why it continues to grow and invests in its integral development. Today there are around 700 workers throughout the country, mainly present in the urban-rural areas of Costa Rica.

As a cooperative financial entity, we believe in being good by nature and we continue to grow hand in hand with effort, commitment and hard work, building for our country.

Representative Bodies