Security tips to avoid scams or phishing


Today we are going to learn about a topic that should put us on alert: phishing. This is a technique that consists of sending an email to a user pretending to be a known entity

What are cooperatives and what is their function?

What are cooperatives

Coopealianza is a cooperative that has 50 years of experience and offices in 34 cantons of the country. But some people still don't know what we do, and that's why today we want to share with you: what is a cooperative and how does it work?

Best banks to save in Costa Rica

Costa Ricans have a wide range of financial services in state and private banking entities and cooperative savings and credit institutions ...

The best cooperatives in Costa Rica

The best cooperatives

A sustained growth in the associative base, territorial coverage, assets, equity, credits and savings, throughout its 47 years of existence, are some indicators that locate Coopealianza RL

Coopealianza provides service in a new building

With the aim of continuing to provide quality service to associates and clients and as part of the We grow with the community attribute, Coopealianza opened a new and comfortable service office in the Pérez Zeledón Municipal Market. Its opening to the public began on April 02. Comfortably, in this […]