How to obtain and use personal credits intelligently?

Get a personal loan

Obtaining a loan is a great responsibility. Understanding that it is not a gift of money, but that it requires its return at the time in which the commitment to pay the agreed interest must be fulfilled, is essential to make proper use of the money.

Resume or extend your studies: Request a loan to study

credits to study

According to a report by the financier, 52 universities issue titles in Costa Rica. And the offer of careers is extremely varied: Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Communication, Engineering and STEM careers, arts, among others.

3 Factors That Affect Your Ability To Get A Loan

receive a loan

When a bank or a cooperative such as Coopealianza decide to lend money to a person, they do so because they trust that person will be able to meet their payment commitments on the agreed dates and conditions.

New office in Curridabat: Know the hours

office in Curridabat

Now we are also in Curridabat! Curridabat is one of the most booming cantons in the Greater Metropolitan Area. In recent years, this city has experienced tremendous real estate growth that has drawn hundreds of individuals and families to East San Jose. Along with the construction of apartment buildings and condominiums, […]

Extended service hours in our customer service center

Attention schedule

  At Coopealianza we seek to improve our services and care for the benefit of our clients and associates. As we always say, we are the result of a project under construction, where there are no heroes or heroines, but the product of almost 52 years of efforts, dedication, work and stories of many. To date, we have 50 offices in […]