Unify your debts in Coopealianza to affordable installments

Unify your debts to affordable installments with Coopealianza

With each loan acquired comes a solution, but the accumulation of several debts can become a complicated situation for the finances of the family. Aware that over-indebtedness is a situation that suffocates the economy of many households, at Coopealianza we created, to the satisfaction of our associates, the alternative of unifying credits, so that […]

Loans for your company: invest with total peace of mind

Loans for your company - invest with total peace of mind

According to the most recent Report on the Status of the Situation of SMEs, 97,5% of Costa Rica's business park is made up of small and medium-sized companies. According to the report, from 2017, 73% of these companies are small and 6% are medium-sized, a figure that reveals the enormous importance they have […]