With our credits you can carry out medical or aesthetic treatments

Lines of credit for medical or cosmetic treatments

Good health and fitness are treasures that can be lost suddenly, although their effects can be prevented quickly and effectively if you have the resources to pay for timely medical care. We are referring to unforeseen situations, so many and so diverse, which usually occur outside the proper control of ripening […]

Where to request a personal credit in Costa Rica?

To a greater or lesser extent, all of us have aspirations: to obtain a profession, build a home, educate children, protect health and improve the living conditions of the family. But the savings are not always enough or they do not arrive on time to achieve the objectives, so the alternative of […]

Apply for your personal loan at Coopealianza

Apply for your personal loan at Coopealianza

Opportunities for personal and family improvement arise frequently, and the possibility of taking advantage of them depends, many times, on access to credit: The vehicle you needed to move, work and mobilize the family. Access to curricula that help improve working conditions and income. The […]

Easy credits for companies in Costa Rica

Easy credits for companies in Costa Rica

According to recent data from the Costa Rican Social Security Fund, 94% of Costa Rican companies are made up of micro and small businesses, an encouraging figure for the institutions of the social solidarity economy. The statistics reveal the initiative of a very high percentage of Costa Ricans to take actions to forge an independent future […]

Benefits to carry out your studies in Costa Rica

The selection of a career, academic or technical, is such an important decision that it is usually defining the future of the student, in economic, social and happiness terms. Due to the repercussion that it will have, during the rest of the person's life, it is a decision that must be taken […]

Credit cards: avoid mistakes when using them

Credit cards are a financing tool, but their use demands great responsibility. They are a practical solution to make payments, for an unforeseen situation and, even, to give yourself a personal taste from time to time; but there are consumers who usually make mistakes that can cause them inconvenience, due to the effect they cause […]