Home loan loans in Costa Rica

Home loan loans in Costa Rica

The opportunity to buy a home is a decision that has often been postponed due to not assuming a long-term financial commitment. Due to the uncertainty, people continue to live with discomfort in someone else's home or paying a rental fee to live in a property that will never be their own, while the […]

Sale of properties and lots in Guanacaste

Sale of properties and lots in Guanacaste

A government initiative to supply water to vast territories of Guanacaste, in the coming years, promises to catapult the agricultural, livestock and tourist activities of this generous province. It is a great project designed to maintain a permanent rhythm of production, without the characteristic declines of long, prolonged droughts; an injection of vitality, to a province […]

Looking for properties in Guanacaste? At Coopealianza we have a wide offer for you

Historically, Guanacaste has been characterized by its enormous contribution to the country's economy, through agricultural, livestock and electricity production; but its contribution is increasing, thanks to tourism and industry. In the agricultural field, it is a great producer of rice, sugar, orange, melon, corn, and beans; provides Costa Rica […]