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Manuel Antonio National Park
Coopealianza is the authorized entity of SINAC to
the sale of tickets to Manuel Antonio National Park
Manuel Antonio National Park
A bridge between the Sea and the Earth
In a short journey you can go through various trails that will take you through a primary forest. It will have impressive views of the sea and you can enjoy the wildlife that can be found at any time.
The payment of tickets on the web platform and the self-service kiosks can only be made by debit or credit card.
You just have to go to the search engine and access either: App Store (Iphone) or Play Store (Android) and enter the name of Coopealianza Parques, download the application and perform the procedure as indicated in each step. Once the Coopealianza Parques application is downloaded, you can access it as many times as you need or consider necessary.
Buy Tickets
We invite you to click the button below to purchase your ticket as well as read the additional information.
Additional Information
In this section you will find all the information about the park, purchase of tickets, services and recommendations.
Purchase your tickets online, using the link located at the bottom of this page and soon accessing the Coopealianza Parques App through your mobile phone using the App Store or Google Play applications.
Once the Coopealianza Parques App comes into operation, you will only have to go to the search engine and access either: App Store (Iphone) or Play Store (Android) and enter the name of Coopealianza Parques, download the application and perform the procedure as indicates at each step. Once the Coopealianza Parques application is downloaded, you can access it as many times as you need or consider necessary.
In addition, you can make your purchase directly at the self-service kiosks, located at the administrative offices of the Manuel Antonio National Park (at the entrance) and at the Coopealianza Quepos office located 50 meters west of Palí. During business hours from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
The payment of tickets on the web platform and in the self-service kiosks can only be done by debit or credit card.
Fees and Memberships
Nationals or Residents:
• Adults ¢ 1.808 VAT included (You must present your identity card at the time of entering the Park when you deliver your entrance ticket, which is valid for one time only)
• Costa Rican adults over 65 years old, presenting their identity card, do not pay an entrance ticket.
• National children under 6 years old should not cancel entry to enter Manuel Antonio National Park.
• National children or Residents will pay ¢ 565 VAT included per entry.
• Primary and secondary education students who visit Manuel Antonio National Park, on educational tours organized by educational centers and previously coordinated with the administration of the Protected Wilderness Area, with prior agreement, will pay only ₵ 565 VAT included, for entering the park .All national visitors and residents over 18 years of age must, without exception, present their identity card when entering Manuel Antonio National Park.
Foreigners or Non-residents:
• Adults $ 18.08 VAT included.
• Children not resident in Costa Rica (foreigners) under 12 years of age will pay $ 5, 65 VAT included per entry or its equivalent in colones according to the exchange rate.Membership Registration
All those requests to process a membership in the online ticket sales platform for entry to Manuel Antonio National Park applicable to: "Tour Operators", "Tour Operators" or "Tour Guides", duly accredited or with a tourist declaration issued by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT), will be received starting Monday, August 03, 2020 in the email: sending the email, the interested party must enter the site On this site you must select the Coopealianza Parques option, which will take you to the ticket sales platform. Once entered in the platform, you must choose the Create account option, where you must provide the information requested for the opening of your account.
Only those applications that have the account opening on the platform will be processed. On the contrary, no request absent from this requirement (opening the account online) will be honored.
The requests will be attended according to the order of admission. These will be notified by resolution during this period and until September 30, 2020.
Requests received after September 15, will be addressed during the month of October, with the deadline of October 31, 2020.REGULAR TOURIST NATURAL PEOPLE
Regular tourists will be able to purchase a maximum of 10 tickets for a specific date.People who wish to purchase entrance tickets to the Manuel Antonio National Park must register as users on the online sales web platform. Likewise, they must accept the "terms and conditions" that apply to the use of this platform.
If you want to register as a Tourism Company, you must follow the steps detailed below:The benefits of this membership are exclusive for companies with the tourist declaration by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT), so you can:
to. Make reservations or purchase tickets up to a maximum of 40 tickets per transaction and 120 tickets up to the same date, being able to make payment in the case of reservations even 3 days before your park entry date.
b. To register, you must send the following requirements to email By this same means, the acceptance or denial of your request will be For individuals:
i. Full name.
ii. ID of the natural person registered with the Ministry of Finance to execute the commercial business.
iii. Email where to receive the tickets.
iv. Address: province, canton, district, details other signs.
v. Telephone (s) for contact.
saw. Document with the ICT Tourism Declaration.b. For legal persons:
i. Company name.
ii. Legal status of the company.
iii. Copy of ID of the legal representative empowered.
iv. Email where to receive the tickets.
v. Address: province, canton, district, details other signs.
saw. Telephone (s) for contact.
vii. Document with the ICT Tourism Declaration.REGISTRATION OF TOURIST OPERATORS (Hoteliers)
If you wish to register as a tour operator, the steps to follow are detailed below:The benefits of this membership are exclusive for companies with the tourist declaration by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT), so you can:
i. Make purchases of up to a maximum of 40 tickets per transaction and up to 120 for the same date.
ii. To register send the following requirements to email
For natural persons:
i. Full name.
ii. ID of the natural person registered with the Ministry of Finance to execute the commercial business.
iii. Email where to receive the tickets.
iv. Address: province, canton, district, details other signs.
v. Contact phones.
saw. ICT Tourist Declaration Document.For legal entities:
i. Company name.
ii. Legal status of the company.
iii. Copy of ID of the legal representative empowered.
iv. Email where to receive the tickets.
v. Address: province, canton, district, detailed other details.
saw. Telephone (s) for contact.
vii. Document with the ICT Tourism Declaration.REGISTRATION OF TOURIST GUIDES
If you want to register as a tourist guide, here are the steps to follow:The benefits of this membership are exclusive for tourist guides certified by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT).
The benefit of being registered as a tour guide is as follows:to. You can purchase special tickets that are not subject to a specific entry date. The validity period of this special entry is one calendar month. Starting on the first day of each month and expiring on the last day of the same month.
The ticket is for personal use and you can use it at any time and that the Manuel Antonio National Park is open to the public. The ticket can only be used once.
b. To register as a tour guide, send the following requirements to the email By this same means, you will be notified of the acceptance and denial of your request.
d. ID of the natural person.
and. Email where you want the tickets to be sent.
F. Address: province, canton, district, details other signs.
g. Telephone (s) for contact.
h. Copy of the card that accredits you as a certified guide by the ICT.Important aspects to consider:
Based on the provisions established by the Ministry of Health, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the execution of this digital platform that allows online sales and reduces the use of physical tickets is of utmost importance._ Attention to groups that require memberships: From the moment the platform comes into operation (July 31, 2020), the aforementioned groups that require the membership process will be able to continue buying tickets at the authorized Coopealianza offices, located in Quepos and Manuel Antonio, for a period of 60 days (until September 30, 2020), the period in which the parallel sale (offices and online sales) will continue, that is, through both channels.
- After September 30, 2020, tickets can only be purchased on the online sales platform, or at the self-service kiosks located in the administrative offices of SINAC, at the entrance of Manuel Antonio National Park or at the Coopealianza office located in Quepos.
_ In self-service kiosks, no authentication is required, so the purchase can be made directly without registering on the platform. The same purchasing conditions of the regular tourist apply.
_ Only debit and credit cards are accepted as a means of payment to acquire entrance tickets to the Manuel Antonio National Park, it applies to new online sales channels and self-service kiosks.
• Potable water
• Showers and changing rooms (soap or shampoo is not allowed)
• health services
• Interpreted trails (labeled)
• Viewpoints
• Local guides (do not belong to the Park)
• Non-essential services (food, souvenirs and simple custody of goods) Services offered by the Iguana Azul SA and La Primera Riba Mil Noverece Noventa SA Consortium of Travel Companies according to contract No. 2014-000020-00.
• Mangrove: contemplates a body of fresh and salt water that covers approximately 18 hectares. It can be observed along the paths parallel to the Manuel Antonio and Espadilla Sur beaches. Here are the species of the red, piñuela and caballero mangroves.
• The waterfall: formed by a small waterfall, observable only during the rainy season. Check at the park entrance.
• Gemelas Beach: beach divided in two by a rock formation, which over the years has come to meet the sea, making it possible to observe small fragments of stone that were detached from the bedrock in its areas. The waters of the ravines together with the marine currents, the winds and the movements of tectonic plates have given life to Playas Gemelas, causing it to continue to change over time.
• Manuel Antonio Beach: beach very famous for its scenic beauty, known for being one of the best beaches in Costa Rica. It is very popular for snorkeling, mainly to the sides where you can see a large amount of marine fauna and some corals.
• The trap: It can be seen towards the right side of Manuel Antonio beach, next to Punta Catedral. At low tide it is possible to appreciate a kind of circle formed with archaeological remains, which according to history became the Trap used by the indigenous people to capture turtles and fish.
• Espadilla Sur Beach: is a wide beach at low tide. Although it is located in a bay, it has a strong surge at some times of the year, with the attraction that it is less crowded than Manuel Antonio beach.
• Cathedral Point: This site was formerly an island that due to the accumulation of sediments joined the coast through a sandy strip called "Tómbolo". Along the path are three viewpoints, where several islands are glimpsed. Some are home to seabirds.
• Punta Serrucho viewpoint: It is a volcanic or calcareous rock formation (calcium) whose name Punta Serrucho is given by its broken and irregular shape due to the movements of the earth's crust, since this formation is located on a tectonic fault.
• Puerto Escondido viewpoint: This viewpoint lets you appreciate one of the most beautiful coastal seascapes in the Park. You will also have the opportunity to appreciate, at low tide, one of the small sandy bridges that connects some islets to the mainland of the coast.
• Flora and fauna: This park has a great wealth of flora and fauna. Approximately 352 species of birds, 109 species of mammals, varied marine fauna and 346 species of plants have been registered. Among the most outstanding fauna species you can see the titi monkey (emblem species), the white-faced monkey, the Congo monkey, the 2 and 3-toed sloth, the raccoon, the pizote, birds such as the toucancillo and many other species more .
Manuel Antonio National Park is a heavenly place surrounded by natural beauty, where you can enjoy the flora and fauna of Costa Rica. In order to make your stay in the park more pleasant, here are a series of recommendations that will allow you to enjoy your visit even more and ensure your safety and that of visitors in general.
• We invite you to live the experience of touring the forest, either through the wide network of trails, or from the viewpoints located in the highest part of the Park (approximately 160 masl) to appreciate the scenic beauty of the coast and the vegetation. located in these sectors furthest from the beach.
• When walking on trails within the forest, it is recommended to wear suitable footwear. Avoid wearing sandals. It is necessary to remain in the permitted areas, without climbing on railings or signs. Avoid making noise.
• During the months of September and October this park presents less visitation in relation to the other months, this is due to the rainy season. For this reason, it is recommended to visit it in the early hours and wear appropriate clothing.
• Take care of your belongings at all times and try not to carry food, as they attract wildlife. Remember that feeding wild animals is prohibited: certain products can seriously affect their health and cause changes in their behavior.
• Avoid interacting with animals, keep an adequate distance from wildlife and leave them food.
• Help keep the areas clean, leaving no trash or any trace of your visit.
• The camomile tree located on the beach is toxic: so avoid sitting in its shade, touching it and eating its fruits.
• Enjoy nature properly: do not touch wild plants or animals, or collect shells or snails to take home.
• The park does not have parking (this is not a requirement for the park. Visitors can leave their car in the parking lot that is best available to them). In high visitation season the only road that connects Quepos with the town of Manuel Antonio is very busy so it is necessary for the visitor to take precautions in this regard.
• Park staff (park rangers) work only within its limits and their uniforms have distinctive SINAC logos. Remember that if you need information you can consult them.
• In the main entrance booth there is a form to know your opinion about the visit to the park. We appreciate your collaboration.
- Every time a person visits Manuel Antonio National Park, as well as other places of protection, the objective is to bring their individual use bottle to carry their water or soda (this is not a single-use plastic bottle). In this way, it seeks to prevent and reduce the environmental impact.
- Visitors to the Manuel Antonio National Park are requested to have at hand at the time of entry, their mobile device where the digital ticket is located for its agile reading and thus prevent delay in lines.
It is important to bear in mind that the PNMA does NOT allow:
•Enter with food of any kind, under the conditions and exceptions established by the Park Administration.
• The income of alcoholic beverages.
• Entry with single-use containers. Only single use bottles that can be used more than once are allowed to transport water or soft drinks.
• Feed wild animals.
• Enter with pets of any kind.
• Cause damage to infrastructure, vegetation, animals and other resources in the area.
• Extract firewood or make bonfires.
• Carry arms.
• To cause scandals, to break the moral, to consume liquor, to smoke or the use of drugs.
• Install or paste propaganda of any kind.
• Umbrellas, balls, camping tents, or hammocks.
• Fishing or hunting is prohibited.
• The use of drones is prohibited.