Avoid scams

A lot of attention! Unscrupulous people have created fake websites posing as Coopealianza platforms to defraud our customers and partners.

Faced with this type of situation, it is important to consider that the only official website of Coopealianza is www.coopealianza.fi.cr.

In this sense, it is important that you type the full address instead of using search engines like Google because it may be that among the first results that appear there are fictitious pages that seek to collect personal and financial data to steal from users.

Let's remember that Google returns the ad results (paid) first, so appearing at the beginning does not guarantee that it is a trustworthy website. Many of the pages enabled by scammers invest in advertising on the Internet.

In other words, even if when we put "Coopealianza website in Costa Rica" in Google, different links to websites appear, it is essential to first check if it is the official link of Coopealianza (www.coopealianza.fi.cr), otherwise do not enter them, much less share information such as passwords, pins or access codes.

Recommendations to prevent scams on fake websites

For this reason, today we want to share with you some suggestions to improve your level of security when using the Internet to access the services of Coopealianza or other financial entities:

  1. Do not enter links of dubious origin, even if it says the name of the cooperative.
  2. Look at the full name and URL of the page.
  3. Do not share personal or banking information with third parties or on websites.
  4. Check for misspellings or signs of informality in the texts of the websites.
  5. If the name of Coopealianza appears with any letter or symbol added.
  6. If the page does not correspond to the colors or logos of the institution.

Take into account that if you enter one of these pages, but leave it when you detect that it is false, it is possible that your device has already been infected with a virus to obtain browsing information such as personal data and passwords. Therefore, we always suggest to format your phone or computer.

For your peace of mind, at Coopealianza we have a Cybersecurity team that continually finds and reports these fake web pages, but criminals continue to create new websites with the aim of defrauding innocent people.

Take the necessary precautions and protect your security by only using the official Coopealianza website and application. If you have doubts, Contact us.