7 tips to improve your relationship with money

7 tips to improve your relationship with money

Many people do not have a good relationship with money because they have never received financial education and in their home, when they were a child, money was talked about in a negative way, there were many deficiencies and debts.

Buy your property in Puntarenas

Costa Rica is synonymous with natural parks and dream beaches. And Puntarenas is no exception. This province, with its own port city, offers its inhabitants and tourists an infinity of options to have fun and live well. For example: Canopy Hiking Surfing Horseback riding Night walks through the forest Suspension bridges Routes in […]

Properties at auction for your investments

Over the years and the rise of communications, this type of property sales has become famous because it has great advantages such as obtaining properties with up to 50% less than their commercial value. A round business wherever you look! But let's start at the beginning… What is a […]

4 tips to keep in mind when buying a house

4 tips to keep in mind when buying a house

We all dream of having our own home to live in peace, receive friends and family and develop our life project.
But buying a house is not a decision that should be taken lightly, that's why today we want to share with all our associates some recommendations to take into account when buying a house.

6 basic tips to save money

6 basic tips to save money

Everyone tells us that saving is important, but few people really do it and are willing to teach us how to do it.

Loans to buy a used home: How does it work?

Loans to buy a used home

But the best of all is that in Coopealianza we have financing options to cover up to 90% of the total cost of the purchase of the used home, and the process only takes 10 days to be approved.
You can manage the credit by visiting one of our offices throughout the country or by filling out the form that is on social networks or on the website.

6 finance tips for entrepreneurs

If there is one thing we know at Coopealianza, it is that running a successful business requires planning, preparation, strategy and leadership.