Use transaction notification services

Traveling and vacationing is an exciting experience, but it also involves careful planning to make sure everything goes smoothly.

A very useful tool to take on your travels is a credit card. However, it is important to use it effectively and safely to avoid problems and get the most out of its benefits.

In this blog, we share helpful tips on how to use your credit cards while traveling, avoiding common mistakes and taking advantage of the benefits they offer.

Recommendations to properly use your credit cards on your trips or vacations

– Research your options

Before you travel, research the different credit cards available and choose the one that best suits your needs. Look for cards that offer specific benefits for travelers, such as airline miles, hotel rewards, travel insurance or car rental discounts.

It's also important to compare interest rates, fees, and repayment policies to make an informed decision.

– Notify your financial institution

Before you travel, contact Coopealianza or your financial institution and advise of your travel plans. This will prevent your cards from being blocked for suspicious activity and will protect you if your card is lost or stolen.

– Keep a copy of your documents

If possible, make copies of your credit cards, passport, and other important documents. Take a hard copy with you and save a digital version to your email or a cloud storage app. This will facilitate recovery in case of loss or theft.

– Use chip and PIN cards

Chip and PIN credit cards are more secure than magnetic stripe cards. Make sure you have at least one card with these characteristics and use it preferably at ATMs and points of sale that accept them.

– Avoid exchanging currency at the airport

Travel with credit cards

Exchanging currency at airports is usually more expensive due to high commissions. Instead, use your credit card to make payments in the local currency. Of course, make sure that your card does not apply charges for international transactions.

– Use transaction notification services

Some financial institutions offer transaction notification services through text messages or mobile applications. Activate this service to receive real-time alerts every time a transaction is made with your card. This will allow you to detect any suspicious activity immediately.

– Avoid using credit cards in unsecured places

Finally, avoid using your credit card in places where security may be an issue, such as unreliable establishments or unsecured public Wi-Fi connections.

If you are thinking of traveling and require a credit card, Contact us. At Coopealianza we have debit and credit cards with excellent technology and security. You can make your purchases easily and safely with Coopealianza Visa Credit Cards. we offer you Classic, Gold, Platinum and Infinite (International).