office in Curridabat

Now we are also in Curridabat!

Curridabat is one of the most booming cantons in the Greater Metropolitan Area. In recent years, this city has experienced tremendous real estate growth that has drawn hundreds of individuals and families to East San Jose.

Along with the construction of apartment buildings and condominiums, a great gastronomic offer has been developed with Italian, Indian, Argentinean, and Peruvian restaurants; also seafood restaurants, pizzerias, and European-style cafeterias.

In Curridabat or its surroundings you can find different shopping centers such as:


Precisely to offer a closer attention to our clients and associates who live or have businesses in Curridabat, a new Coopealianza office opens as of April 15 with wide availability of hours.

In this new branch we offer services such as:


Hours will be extended (approximately 11 am to 7 pm), with service on weekends for the benefit of customers and associates who need to carry out procedures on Saturday or Sunday.

If you have any questions or require a special service, Contact us by call or message via WhatsApp to: 2785-3000. It will be a pleasure to serve you.