6 basic tips to save money

6 basic tips to save money

Everyone tells us that saving is important, but few people really do it and are willing to teach us how to do it.

What is an investment certificate?

What is an investment certificate

The Investment Certificate is a financial instrument used by companies that issue securities, to raise capital, in order to grow or finance their projects. The Certificate of Deposit, as it is more commonly called, gives the investor three basic advantages: The money is safe, particularly if it was entrusted to a financial institution […]

Important tips to learn how to save

Important tips to learn how to save

Saving, as a strategy to cover future expenses or investments, is a difficult discipline, particularly when individual or family income is limited. Saving usually entails sacrifices, but every effort is rewarded with the tranquility offered by the opportunity to attend to those eventual needs, without altering the course of a healthy family economy. […]

Investments with higher returns

In the search for a higher return on money, it is so important to take into account the favorable conditions of a savings certificate, as well as the trust that can be placed in a financial institution. While Saving at La Vista runs the risk of fading in the face of so many consumer opportunities that are […]

Coopealianza supports the savings of its Associates

Fixed Term Certificates and Savings Certificates

As part of the responsibility and trust placed in our associates, Coopealianza is part of the 12 financial cooperative institutions that make up the Savings Guarantee Fund (FGA Confía). This fund is constituted with the resources of cooperative financial institutions that attract resources from the public, and its purpose is to guarantee and protect the […]

Best banks to save in Costa Rica

Costa Ricans have a wide range of financial services in state and private banking entities and cooperative savings and credit institutions ...

Investments of money in Costa Rica

Money investments

The deposit of the money saved or obtained through a business, in a financial institution of solidity and trust, is a formula that guarantees so much that the patrimony is protected ...